Monday 14 February 2011

Spring Wishlist

1. Navy chinos. I've never been one for trousers; in fact, at present I own only jeans and suits. I'm looking to mix it up, though, and these from ASOS/Mango would be perfect. I've also spotted some nice ones in New Look
2. Sheer blouse. I love this pink/cream one from New Look, but I'll also be on the lookout for black and patterned ones.
3. Necklaces. I'm desperate for the typewriter necklace and any of the pocket watch-style necklaces from Love Hearts and Crosses. They're a little out of my budget, however. I saw some perfect pocket watch necklaces in Spitalfields Market last week, for only £10, but I didn't have enough cash on me! How upsetting. I might try to track down some similar ones in Greenwich Market when I get time... 

Anyway, I'm sure I'll add to this throughout the coming months. In fact, I'm surprised that these are the only things I really, really want at the moment...

(Eventually I'll learn how to post pictures without messing up all the formatting...)


  1. I was never one for trousers either but own quite a few pairs now! I bought some classic tan chinos from New Look and they were surprisingly good quality
